Recently, Her Bad Mother , a.k.a. Catherine Connors, asked some Proustian questions about blogging, which I will now attempt to answer:
1) What is the quality you most admire in a blogger?
1) What is the quality you most admire in a blogger?
They gotta make me laugh. Or maybe cry. But mostly I am looking for a
2) What is your most marked blogging characteristic (or, how would you describe your blog)?
2) What is your most marked blogging characteristic (or, how would you describe your blog)?
Hard to say. I've been keeping a journal in some form or other since I was
14. So this seems very familiar. I just have to remember to keep my kids' real
names out of it, is all.
3) What is your greatest virtue as a blogger (what do you most like about your blog)?
3) What is your greatest virtue as a blogger (what do you most like about your blog)?
I try to say things other people are thinking but don't dare to say. Or,
alternatively, make people laugh.
4) What do you regard as the principle defect of your blog?
4) What do you regard as the principle defect of your blog?
Too much about me, not enough about current events. Which are truly
frightening, so much so that I'd rather cover my ears and yell "Nyah Nyah
Nyah!"--so, as you can see, I have trouble sticking to my goal.
5) What character of fiction do you most wish had a blog?
5) What character of fiction do you most wish had a blog?
I would change this question to "what character in history," and my answer would be Elizabeth I. I used to be her, you know. Others have made this claim, but they are all con artists. I am the genuwine article.
6) What [other] historical or real life person do you most wish had a blog?
George W. Bush, because I truly do not understand how that man thinks. I
mean, something must be goin' on in there, but I'm damned if I can figure
out what it is. My best guess is that it is a looping re-run of "Animal House,"
which probably reminds him of his own days at Yale. He was not the John Belushi
character, but wishes he was.
7) What is your present state of blog (present state of mind as a blogger)?
7) What is your present state of blog (present state of mind as a blogger)?
Bemusement. What will we all do with ourselves when Peak Oil hits and the
generators go down and the batteries run out?
8) What is your blog motto?
"It's a weird fuckin' world, ain't it?" No, I'm sorry--my real motto is
"They say children will drive you crazy. But what if you're already there?" It's
either that or "Sisterhood is powerful. Motherhood is nuclear." I forget.
9. What do I regard as the lowest depth of misery?
Mental illness, which I know a little too much about. But then, I've never
had to go grocery shopping in Beirut while the bombs are falling, so I could be
wrong about this.
10. What is your idea of earthly happiness?
Well, at the moment, since I'm feeling kinda puny and have been up coughing all night, it would be lying in the warm sun in a hammock with a
syringe of Darvon at hand. But I am trying to cultivate healthier habits.
Actually, marveling at my children's beauty is a pretty good pastime.